As St Nicholas’ Outreach Team meets tomorrow, but I can’t physically attend, I’ll pass this along to coordinator Jan Tossman. The original post at The Lead has a much longer summary, I’ve cut it down to just the six bullet points.
The Episcopal Church’s Office of Communications, in partnership with Monk Development, has produced a white paper on social media, that is available free, after registration. Entitled “Social Media and the Episcopal Church: A New Way to Tell a 2,000-Year-Old Story” it recommends six ” best practices” for church’s interested in cultivating a more effective online presence.
Here is a quick summary of each point:
1. Know Thyself
2. Make your website the crown jewel of your communications strategy — and keep it fresh with constant updates.
3. Make it a two-way conversation.
4. Put someone in charge of your online strategy
5. Don’t be too controlling
6. Don’t reinvent the wheel
via The Lead