Noon AA
6:00 pm Wednesday Eucharist
6:45 pm Choir Practice
7:30 pm Al-Anon
There’s no Food Pantry on second Wednesdays like today, but plenty of other things are going on.
The weekday Noontime AA offers support to those struggling with addiction to alcohol.
The NEW Midweek Eucharist at 6pm. Take time out from your busy week to reflect, from the Book of Common Prayer, on “things done, and things left undone.” Let go of hurt, anger, and pain: come and be refreshed.
Choir at 645pm. Advent, the Feast of St Nicholas, and Christmas is coming! The choir is working on LOTS of special music. Current plans include a Service of Lessons and Carols for Christmas Eve, be sure to mark your calendar.
Al-Anon at 7:30pm. Get support if you are the family member or friend of someone struggling with alcohol or other addiction. Large, active group meets in Holy Innocents Hall with breakouts in the Gathering Space.