- This Sunday, December 2 will be a joyful day at St. Nicholas. Help us welcome Bishop Epting, assistant bishop in the Diocese of Chicago, and be part of sharing the faith journeys of many of our community members who will be confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church.
- We are pleased to welcome back Rodriguez Dance Theatre to St. Nicholas on December 9 at the 10AM service. Details below.
- Varied Voices Weekend, when different voices in our community offer a gift of preaching, is each 3rd weekend of the month.
- Children’s / Youth formation program takes place on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month. NOTE: Because of the Bishop’s visitation, we won’t be having this program on December 2.
- Healing Weekend, when the Revs Fran & Tony Begonja offer the gift of their healing ministry, is the 3rd weekend of each month.
- Children’s Liturgy and Celebration Weekend happens the 1st Sunday / weekend of each month.
- We ask that you prayerfully consider making a financial pledge to St. Nicholas for 2013. So that we may budget according to our resources, we’d be most grateful if you could turn in a pledge form by December 2, 2012.