- To our Hank Mandziara and Jess Lindberg-Wood, who have blessed and graced us with sacred music the past few Sundays at worship. We are all the beneficiaries of your kindness.
- To Barb and John Bosslet who lead a recent Saturday Evening Prayer while Fr. Manny tended to a wedding rehearsal. Your spiritual leadership is precious and we are grateful for your sharing with us.
- To Steve Gruenwald who reviewed the video documentary and led the subsequent conversation. Many thanks to Steve and his skilled leadership and thanks to all who came, enjoyed, shared snacks and time with one another.
- To our Penny Mandziara who stuffed, our Jenn Brundige who addressed all the 2022 Pledge Form envelopes and our Kristin Jacobs who mailed out the remaining envelopes. Six Busy hands for a most worthy cause. Many thanks to you all.
- To our Hank Mandziara, Russ Jackson and little assistance Eli who are making sure the light fixtures in church are secure and stable. Great work, gentlemen.
- To all who participated in the Diocesan-led program regarding the plight of migrants, those who are stranded at the border and all who are seeking a better, safer life.