Dear Friends:
Last (Tuesday) evening was our first Eastertide Via Media gathering. While our numbers
were small, our discussion was rich and lively as we discussed the topic of
Sin. I know that all of our schedules are full these days; however, I do hope
that as many of you as possible will be able to complete this import shared
formation and learning experience for St. Columba’s and Holy Innocents.
Our final Tuesday night of Via Media will be next Tuesday, April 12, and our
closing retreat is scheduled for Saturday, April 16. The plan for the retreat
is to gather at 9:00 for a light breakfast that Mark and I will prepare and
then to conclude with the Eucharist which will end around 12:30 p.m. We can
either go home after the Eucharist, or we could bring things to share for a
picnic lunch together following the Eucharist.
(I thought we might gather at St. Columba’s. If the weather is nice, we
could consider having the closing Eucharist outside, and we could use the patio
for a picnic.)
For planning purposes the following information would be helpful.
(Please respond by e-mail.):
- Will you be able to attend next Tuesday’s Via Media session?
- Will you be able to attend the Saturday retreat?
- If you can attend the retreat, would you prefer to go home after the
Eucharist or to stay and share a picnic together?
Thank you —
Fr. Ted
PS I will be in touch w/ those who do not have e-mail.