Canon Randall Warren met with the congregation Sunday and explained the transition process we will be going through in selecting our new vicar. He emphasized that we do not want to hurry the process, but be thoughtful, intentional, and prayerful. In the next few weeks, we will have an opportunity to take an online survey that will give us objective data that will provide us with a profile of St. Nicholas. In turn, the Search Team will use this profile to build a profile for what we are looking for in our next vicar. The survey will identify where our strengths lie and where we want our focus to be, so that we can continue to grow as a worship community.
This can be an exciting time for us to express our feelings and desires for what we want St. Nicholas to be and become. The survey will be completely anonymous. For those who do not have a computer, there will be hard copies of the survey; you’ll then put your unsigned survey into a box and someone will take them and enter them into the computer. I strongly encourage everyone to participate in the survey. Your voice counts!
In the meantime, Manny will continue to be our Transition Minister. He will be contracted to be here on a 75% time basis and is eligible to interview for the position of Vicar.
Please let me know any questions and/or concerns you have.
Pat Kalicki
pat AT stnicholasepiscopal.org