Members and friends of the St Nicholas community gathered on July 14 for a wonderful picnic, held on the church’s front lawn. The church provided burgers and hot dogs, and everyone brought side dishes to share (and an appetite).
UPDATE: Check out the photo album on our Facebook page!! There was a bouncy castle, some suspiciously water-balloonish activity involving our vicar Fr. Manny, some terrific looking food and party punch, and even “boat races.”
An incredibly fun time was had by all and sundry.
Meanwhile, the “Nooners” AA support group held their picnic today. The grills were set up on the patio, and they were using Holy Innocents Hall for food prep and dining. The church was REALLY hopping this morning, as the Sunday morning service was moved into the sanctuary while the AA folks prepped for a fun time to be had by all in the hall. The food being prepared smelled delicious, and it looked like they were on track to have an overflow crowd. Many friendly greetings were exchanged (and longing eyes cast toward side dishes, watermelons, and salads being brought in).
As a community, we love sharing our space with so many support groups, and are humbled by the opportunity to help others in their journey to recovery. How wonderful it is to offer hospitality, and to receive it.