For the people of Africa who suffer from the Ebola epidemic: Pray that aid reaches those in greatest need and that that nation recovers quickly from this horrific situation.
For those who struggle with depression, anxiety, loneliness and despair: pray for peace in their hearts and souls.
For the homeless throughout the region who struggle to find housing: pray all our troubled sisters and brothers find security, safety and shelter.
For all our St. Nicholas community members who are under the weather and in need of healing and prayers: may they find peace and be blessed with sound and better health.
For our sisters and brothers at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Mt. Prospect: This is their last month to worship at their present church. Let us pray for their well being, and may the Good Lord provide them guidance and peace in this difficult transition.
For our pets who bring us such happiness and comfort…pray they are always cared for and protected. And for our pets who have passed on… may they live on in our memories, happy and playful for ever.
For those who experience pain and suffering whether in body, mind or spirit and are without proper medical care or sufficient funding for medication.
For our military personnel who are overseas and engaged in battle: that they soon return home safe and secure.
For the members of the Support Groups at St. Nicholas who endure, “one day at at time,” in their daily battles against addiction.
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