For the faithful people of God as we continue to celebrate and rejoice throughout the entire Easter Season: Pray for inner peace, strength and a renewed commitment to serve God, our faith community and the Church.
For the victims of the shootings and stabbings in San Diego and Austin, Texas: Pray this violence comes to an end as we learn to find common ground and peaceful resolutions to the problems of today’s complicated society.
For our Thelma Malecek who is to have more medical tests and exams this week and next: Pray for favorable results, the pain and suffering is resolved and eliminated, once and for all.
For our John Knepper who is having health issues and has undergone some medical procedures. Pray John suffers no complications and recovers quickly.
For our high school students who are preparing for Prom: may this special event and time in their lives be celebrated peacefully, carefully and free of any harm or danger.
For peaceful and successful dialogue with officials of North Korea and our current U.S. administration and an end to the tensions that have caused fear and concern the world over.
For our Support Group sisters and brothers who continue each day to piece their lives together free from dependence of drugs, alcohol and gambling: Give your people strength and guidance, Lord.
For Melissa, stepdaughter to our Cyndi DeBock.
***”Please pray for Rita Corcoran.”
For all our St. Nicholas community members who are under the weather and in need of healing and prayers: may they find peace and be blessed with sound and better health: Marilyn Brown, Dale Rickey, Andrew Hensel, Tom Smith, Linda Jackson, Carol West, Jack Latus, Aaron Lee, Alan Kotrch,John Knepper, June, Juanita, Rosario Castillo, Kenna Hurt, Eunice Dohra, Bernie, Steve Weldon, Rod Meyer, Michelle, George Rech, Trudy and Jack, Bud Stratton, Izaac Channen, Paul Hallman, Patrick Hogan, Melissa and Dan, Melissa Beck, Michelle Miller, Eloy Madrigal, Phyllis Whitmer, Leon Stiles, Cora Lopez, Nora Pun, Susan Lackey, Marcia Kizior, Kesha, Bernie, Ron, Jim McQuade, Dick McQuade, Larry McQuade and any one else in need of our continued prayers and well wishes.
Please let Fr. Manny know the current condition of those for whom we are praying and if we wish to keep their names on the prayer list. Thank you.