Third Saturday Healing and Eucharist at Asbury Court

St. Nicholas offers an Ecumenical Communion or occasional Anointing for Healing service for all residents of Asbury Court Retirement Home at 10:30 am every third Saturday. This service takes place in the chapel area at Asbury Court, 1750 South Elmhurst Road (corner of Oakton and Elmhurst) in Des Plaines. Music is provided, with service bulletins printed in large type.

We offer this service to honor the memory of the late Carmen McCall, member of St Nicholas and resident of Asbury Court, and for the glory of God.

Rummage Sale Nets Over $5000!

It was a huge success – not only in the amount of money raised toward supporting the ministry of the church of St Nicholas with the Holy Innocents, but in the fact that more than 30 parishioners turned out to help. The merger between the two former communities is beginning to bear fruit (and vegetables). Even with some bumps in the road, we’re truly becoming one, and we can do wonders as one community in faith.

Naming Ourselves

We are in the process of deciding between 3 choices for the new name of our mission parish: Good Shepherd, One Bread One Body, and St Mary Magdalene. We’ve discussed the pros and cons of each identity, and we’ll make the final decision in a parish meeting on August 26th. It’s a process of discernment, not of politics. As Father Steve notes: “David Taylor is in charge of white smoke.”