Blessing of the Animals Oct 7 and 8

To celebrate the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, we warmly invite our beloved pets to church so they can receive a blessing.

St. Francis had a great love for all God’s creatures.  He was able to ‘communicate’ with them and they, knowing how he loved them, responded.

On Saturday and Sunday, October 7th and 8th, we encourage our community members to bring in their pets so they, too, can receive a blessing.  Kids can bring their favorite toy animal, too.  After all, all are welcome.

Father Manny’s weekly letter: “Make Us Instruments Of Your Peace”

Giovanni di Pietro di Bernadone, also known as St. Francis of Assisi is one of my favorite ‘holy men.’  He is a saint for all people, Christian and non-Christian alike.  He was a man who simply loved to the fullest of his human ability.  His love was unconditional, unwavering and relentless.  War inflicts immense damage to the body and mind of people and such was the case with Francis.  Upon his return from the crusades in the Middle East, Francis was changed; he underwent an epiphany.  His mind and his heart could no longer entertain hatred nor the allure of earthly riches. There was no room in his life for such negative forces.  Rather, he exuded an almost other-worldly level of love and simplicity.

Francis possessed another virtuous quality; the capacity to share from his scarcity and limited possessions, without counting the cost and always for the betterment and well being of others.  He and his followers abandoned earthly wealth and heartily embraced the Scriptural passage of “storing one’s treasures in heaven.”  Mind you, Francis came from a rather ‘well-to-do’ family.  He was accustomed to a higher standard of life, complete with fine foods, comfortable surroundings and all the benefits that wealth affords. Nonetheless, he turned his back on earthly affluence so he and his followers could better live a life in keeping with Christ and His disciples; poor, without a home and relying upon the kindness and generosity of others.

There comes a feeling of happiness; an interior joy and peace of mind when we share from the heart.  When we see some one react and respond to the kindness shown by others, well now, there is nothing greater nor more satisfying.  I have no doubt that my thoughts as expressed here in writing is the case for all of us, in practice and in the day-to-day experiences we encounter.  The 15 years I spent operating a nightly, soup kitchen provided me a mountain of encounters when sharing and caring was met with smiles, tears of happiness and the most affectionate of “thank you and God bless you.”  Let me tell you, I went home each night feeling I was the richest man in the world.  This richness did not put me into a higher tax bracket.  Blessedly, this richness drew me closer to Jesus, our brother and our savior.

It is Jesus’ example of total and complete surrender for the well-being and benefit of others that I strive to replicate and live out.  I continue to experience Jesus more and more through the people of our faith community, our church family, our St. Nicholas Episcopal Church.  The consistent generosity and selflessness of our church members is such an inspiration and blessing.  God provides; always has and always will.  Then again, the community of St. Nicholas, following the examples of Jesus, St. Francis and our patron saint does an outstanding, wonderful and humbling job at sharing, from the heart, for the betterment of others and for the strengthening and growth of our church.  Let us be mindful during this, our 2018 Stewardship Campaign of the joy and blessing of sharing and providing, for the betterment of our church and always, first and foremost, for God’s greater glory.  Thank you, each and everyone for the time and consideration taken toward this very important matter.  As St. Francis prayed once and we continue to respond…”Make us instruments of your peace.  Where there is hatred, let me sow love.  Where there is doubt, true faith in you.”

Imagining the Promised Land: St Nicholas’ 2018 Stewardship Program

The Israelites knew what it meant to journey from scarcity to abundance. They did it time and time again. They fled by night, trusting God would guide them and provide for them. Who could have imagined that their journey to liberation would include the sea itself parting and their ability to walk through as though it were dry land? As they traveled through the wilderness, God joined them, feeding them manna, enough for the day, providing them fire by night, and cloud by day. It was not an easy journey, and at times, the Israelites stumbled and complained along the way. Still, God was with them, always, as they moved from a place of bondage to a place of freedom and abundant life.

At its heart, stewardship is an invitation to journey into God’s abundance. And for most of us, the journey to generosity is just that – a journey. It is human nature to fear not having enough. Yet God’s story and our story collide and we experience something different. God invites us to taste and see what God is doing in our lives and to consider what God is entrusting to our care. In journeying to generosity, we are invited to become co-creators with God. When we move away from scarcity and self, we can begin to focus on what God has entrusted to us; we can see more fully how God is acting in our lives and in our world. In a culture that values our own enlightened self-interest over the needs of others, it is not always an easy journey, yet the gifts that await us when we truly step into community and into deep relationship with God are abundant.

All of us are called to be stewards. We are stewards of God’s creation, stewards of our families, stewards of money, stewards of time, stewards of our churches, and stewards of the faith that has been handed down to us, the faith that so many generations before us have stewarded. As we travel with God, we begin to recognize those places in our lives where God is calling us, as God called the Israelites, to step forth in faith into new and unknown places. It can feel risky to let go of the familiar, the safe, the known. And yet, when we let go, when we invite God more fully into our lives, the journey cannot help but be one that transforms us, taking us out of our places of bondage, into new, generous and abundant life.

Guest essayist: The Rev. Sarah Fisher

The Rev. Sarah Fisher is Associate Rector of St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church in Atlanta, and the Vice-President of the Board of TENS. Early in her ordained ministry, she discovered a passion for stewardship after attending a TENS Conference. Ever since, she’s been talking, learning and being curious about the connections between money, church, spirituality and God. When she’s not in church, she can be found in coffee shops or thrift stores, or reading Harry Potter.

ST NICHOLAS EPISCOPAL CHURCH 1072 Ridge Avenue, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 | 847-439-2067 |