Shout Outs

Thank You125

To Connie Nicholson and Marilyn Brown who endured heat, bugs and monster weeds as they continued to work their magic on the front and south side gardens.  You are amazing!

To the Williams Family: Earl, LaWayne, Tameica and Eason who once again made our church bathrooms sparkle and shine…great work, dear friends and many thanks from us all.

To those who helped out at Little Boots Rodeo and braved the salty and smelly oyster water:  you all represented St. Nicholas so admirably and with such grace and style.  Pat Kalicki, Tess, Neal, Jillian and Shannon Setchell, Penny and Hank Mandziara and Douglas VanHouten . . . Thank you, one and all.

To Cherryl Holt who shared information and her wonderful company with us last weekend:  thank you for the material regarding the Lay Chaplaincy Program and your kind and encouraging words.  May your ministry flourish as many others become part of this very important work.

To those who contribute to our food pantry, who purchase copier paper, coffee and other supplies used daily at our church…your kindness and generosity is so warmly and greatly appreciated.


Candlemas: Pizza, Praise and Healing MOVED to Friday February 6 at 6pm

The Healing Journey Chapter  of the Order of St. Luke presents
Vigil of Candlemas, Pizza, Praise and Healing

MOVED to Friday February 6th, 2015
Pizza Supper at 6pm

Praise/Worship, Eucharist and Healing at 645pm

St. Nicholas Episcopal Church
1072 Ridge Avenue, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007

Presiding: The Very Rev. Tony Begonja & The Rev. Fran Begonja
Area Co-Directors for IL & MO, Region 4, The Int’l Order of St. Luke the Physician

Bring your own candles to be blessed.  Learn about the Order of St.Luke and the Christian ministry of Healing.  Receive healing prayer and blessings.  RSVP if you will be joining us for the pizza supper.
For more information, email or call:

Fr. Tony Begonja 847.463.0146
Jennifer Brundige
