Walk For Your Neighbor Wrap-Up September 21


Many have walked and in so doing, badly-needed funds to help replenish the Housing Fund account will be gained. A hearty Thank You to one and all who took the time to walk, get some exercise and gather monies that will go toward aiding those neighbors who are in need.

On Sunday, September 21st at 1:30 pm, a Closing Ceremony will be held for all who walked and supported this effort. The event will take place on “The Green,” which is located between the Elk Grove Library and Village Hall.

I ask that all funds collected please be turned in to Manny and he will present the collection to Linda Blair who is director of the Social Services office here in E.G.V. Checks are to be made out to “E.G.V. Housing Fund” and all cash is to be put in an envelope with your name and “E.G.V. Housing Fund” printed.

Again, thank you to all walkers, all contributors and those who helped make this spring/summer walk-a-thon so successful.

Here Comes Peter Cottontail


Easter is many things, though as Christians most certainly it is the highest and greatest of all feasts as we rejoice in Jesus’ glorious resurrection.

Yet, for our younger members, Easter is also about sweets and treats. What better way to share in their joy and happiness than by providing goodies for them to find at our Easter Egg Hunt?

Please consider donating a bag or two of jelly beans, wrapped chocolates and such. Donations may be placed in the parish office or brought in during the weekend Liturgies.

On behalf of the Easter Bunny and all our youngsters and those who are “young at heart,” thank you.