It’s Not Too Late To Pledge!

As our hard-working treasurer pointed out for us at the Annual Meeting, we are still seeking to raise more money from pledge income in 2012, even as we’re humbled by the generous response to this year’s pledge campaign.

If you have not yet submitted your pledge amount for 2012, kindly click here for a pledge form. Please return the form either by mail or by placing it in the collection plate on Saturday or Sunday.

Thanks to all who have pledged and continue to give toward our mission and ministries!
via News from St. Nicholas Episcopal Church

Support Our Friends At Lord of Life Lutheran At Their Chili Supper Tonight

This Saturday January 21st, Lord of Life Lutheran Church in Schaumburg is hosting their Chili Supper. There will be many door and raffle prizes along with delicious chili. We are all invited to attend this event but we do ask that you RSVP by contacting Jessica Tamaski ( or 630-607-2258  ).

Lord of Life has supported our Chili Supper in numerous ways and it would be great if St. Nicholas could do the same.

 Doors open at 5:30.  Dinner is served at 6.

Lord of Life Lutheran Church
119 West Wise Road
Schaumburg, IL60193
(near the corner of Wise and Roselle Rd.)

New Socks For New Friends

Carmen's Lovely and Amazing embroidered socks

As the weather gets colder, our efforts to keep warm and dry increases. We go to our dresser and get a clean pair of socks, slip them on and we’re set. However, the sad news is so many of our sisters and brothers are not so fortunate. The community of St. Nicholas, in cooperation with the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago, will collect new socks throughout the winter season. Donations can be placed in the basket that will be on display. The collected socks will be distributed to the needy to help make their winter a bit warmer, dryer and safer. Your generosity and assistance are deeply appreciated.

“Carmen’s Lovely and Amazing Socks,” photo credit Ginny Gibbs