I Am St Nick, Volume Two

We hope you’ve taken some time to read the second issue of I am St. Nick email sent earlier this week. And, we hope you’re considering submitting your own story about how the community of St. Nicholas Episcopal Church touches and changes your life.

New ministries have begun and new people are participating in ongoing ministries at St. Nicholas. In addition to your time, talent, love and energy, we hope that you’ll contribute your monetary resources, which, in addition to your other valued gifts, enable us to continue to change lives–our own and those of others who are part of the St. Nicholas Community. As we continue to stress, that community includes those who worship at St. Nicholas, but also those who rely on our community for the many support groups hosted by St. Nicholas which are vital to their lives. Our community includes our guests who come to our food pantry, and those who seek a welcome and warm embrace as they drop by during the week.

We are most grateful for the many ways all the members of the Community of St. Nicholas support, enhance and give life to our mission and ministries.

We hope you are considering your pledge to St. Nicholas for 2012. As we wrote earlier, our hope is for every household at St. Nicholas to submit a pledge form for 2012 as soon as possible so that we may plan for next year’s budget.

Pledge forms are at this link and on the shelf just outside the worship space.

Of course, we are always seeking your gift of time and talent as well. Please take a look at the “Serving” page of our website and see if there is a ministry you feel called to share in.

Shout Outs From St Nick

St. Viator High School for their most generous and loving donation of over two dozen full boxes of food to our Holy Innocents Pantry.

St. Simon’s Church and the Brotherhood of St. Andrew for their donation of food to our pantry.

Random Acres Garden Center for their generous donation of vegetables to our food pantry.

Jay O’Reilly and Douglas VanHouten for their friendly and able assistance in getting the worship space decorated for Advent.

Hal Stratton and Steve Raftery for their most generous purchase of greenery to festoon the Advent wreath.

All who have donated food to the Holy Innocents Food Pantry…the holidays will be a bit brighter for those in our community less fortunate.

Our very own Tim “tool man” Black who kept chilly winds and uninvited critters outside the church by caulking badly sealed windows.

Our dear friend, Carin Lewandowski, a supporter of St. Nicholas and former co-worker with Manny, who donated financial assistance to our food pantry to help provide holiday food for Thanksgiving.

I Am St Nick: Posts And Pledges

From the Stewardship Team:

We hope you’ve taken some time to read the I am St. Nick email sent earlier this week. And, we hope you’re considering submitting your own story about how the community of St. Nicholas touches and changes your life.

New ministries have begun and new people are participating in ongoing ministries at St. Nicholas. In addition to your time, talent, love and energy, we hope that you’ll contribute your monetary resources, which, in addition to your other valued gifts, enable us to continue to change lives–our own and those of others who are part of the St. Nicholas Community. As we continue to stress, that community includes those who worship at St. Nicholas, but also those who rely on our community for the many support groups hosted by St. Nicholas which are vital to their lives. Our community includes our guests who come to our food pantry, and those who seek a welcome and warm embrace as they drop by during the week.

We are most grateful for the many ways all the members of the Community of St. Nicholas support, enhance and give life to our mission and ministries.

We hope you are considering your pledge to St. Nicholas for 2012. As we wrote earlier, our hope is for every household at St. Nicholas to submit a pledge form for 2012 by November 20 so that we may plan for next year’s budget.

Pledge forms are at this link and on the shelf just outside the worship space.

Of course, we are always seeking your gift of time and talent as well. Please take a look at the “Serving” page of our website and see if there is a ministry you feel called to share in.

The Stewardship Team consists of Bob Kalicki, Douglas VanHouten & Val Gruenwald