A request to consider how we can all help

We all have responsibilities that require of us our time, our talents and our treasures. Our church is no different.
Currently, our 2015 pledge actuals figure is below where we need to be. Certainly, we understand all too well that circumstances change, finances are not always available and we may not be as able to share as we desire. Please, we understand, truly we do.
However, do not hesitate in talking with us. We are here to help and assist. We are a people of faith and we believe that God always provides. Please contact either of our wardens, Jessica Tamaski and Penny Mandziara; our Finance Team of Ray Malecek and Bob Kalicki; or our vicar Manny for guidance and assistance.
Thank you, one and all, for the sacrifices made to St. Nicholas which allow us to continue to provide ministry, the Sacraments and service to so many.
God bless us, one and all.