The Exciting Saga Of The Boiler Fund Continues: You Can Help Us Shed Coats Indoors!

Donations for over $1,400 have been received thus far! If you would like to donate toward our Boiler Fund, it’s not too late! Please write “Boiler Fund” on the memo line of your check and mail to St. Nicholas or place in the collection plate. Thank you!

St Nicholas Episcopal Church
1072 Ridge Ave
Elk Grove Village IL 60007
Memo area: Boiler Fund

Attention Amazon Shoppers! You Can Support St Nicholas By Shopping Via The Website

Do you frequent If so, please use the link on our website to shop at Amazon, as St. Nicholas will receive a portion of the revenue from sales (and clicks). It’s a painless way to help further our mission and ministries!

Click here to go to our website. The Amazon link is on the left side of the page (scroll down a bit).