Upcoming Events in August – Family Fun and RUMMAGE SALE

The Trouble With Angels, starring Rosalind Russel and Hailey Mills

Come one, come all. In August, we will have three scheduled, community gatherings. On August 3rd, Friday night, 6:30pm, we will have another Movie Night. This month’s feature film will be the 1966 hit, “The Trouble With Angels,” starring Rosalind Russell. Bring along some pop and munchies; your favorite sandwiches and pizza will be provided. The movie is rated “G” for General Audience and is certainly a fun family feature.

On August 17 and 18, a Friday and Saturday, we will hold our annual St. Nicholas Rummage Sale. We will definitely need “all hands on deck” for this event. Start gathering your unwanted items to bring in. Ideally, we ask donations to be brought in starting around August 1st. Holy Innocents Hall will be the site for the sale, which also spills out into the Gathering Space and into the office area. We will start setting up the Hall on Monday,
August 13th. Plan ahead to see if you have any time to help set up, assist at the sale and to help clear things out on Saturday afternoon. 4:30 Liturgy follows immediately after.

On August 31st, Friday night, 6:30pm, we will have a Crafts and Games Night. Bring your favorite craft to work on and perhaps teach others. Bring your domino set to play “train.” Depending if we have enough material, we can make more Prayer Blankets. Or, just bring along some munchies to share as we play, chit-chat and enjoy the company of one another. Coffee and cookies will be available, and if you’d like bring along some pizza, that’s fine, too.

Sign-up sheets will be posted to get an idea of how many to expect for the social gatherings and a volunteer sheet will be posted for the rummage sale. Remember, all are welcome.

Parish Picnic A Rousing Success, Nooners’ Picnic Today Too

Members and friends of the St Nicholas community gathered on July 14 for a wonderful picnic, held on the church’s front lawn. The church provided burgers and hot dogs, and everyone brought side dishes to share (and an appetite).

UPDATE: Check out the photo album on our Facebook page!! There was a bouncy castle, some suspiciously water-balloonish activity involving our vicar Fr. Manny, some terrific looking food and party punch, and even “boat races.”

An incredibly fun time was had by all and sundry.

Meanwhile, the “Nooners” AA support group held their picnic today. The grills were set up on the patio, and they were using Holy Innocents Hall for food prep and dining. The church was REALLY hopping this morning, as the Sunday morning service was moved into the sanctuary while the AA folks prepped for a fun time to be had by all in the hall. The food being prepared smelled delicious, and it looked like they were on track to have an overflow crowd. Many friendly greetings were exchanged (and longing eyes cast toward side dishes, watermelons, and salads being brought in).

As a community, we love sharing our space with so many support groups, and are humbled by the opportunity to help others in their journey to recovery. How wonderful it is to offer hospitality, and to receive it.

Shout Outs: Thank You To All!

Thanks to all who made the installation service and reception so memorable and beautiful:

Val and Steve Gruenwald; Donna, Jessica,and Paul Tamaski; and Pat Kalicki for the amazing display and presentation of food and decorations in Holy Innocents Hall. And for all those who cleaned up after the party – Cindy Goodwin, the Tamaskis, the Gruenwalds, Johny & Eileen Borg, Carin Lewandowski, Monica Knapp and Ron & Laura Malacek.

Bob DeHaven and Douglas VanHouten for the hours spent on name tags — both for our members and those who were with us for the first time. Bob also arranged and organized the Welcoming Table, and designed the beautiful new St. Nicholas Ministry Cards which are now printed and available.

Hal Stratton and Steve Raftery for the detailed work of creating programs, ordering and purchasing flowers for the church, organizing the Installation Liturgy, Hal serving as Verger and both being such dedicated, “go-to guys.”

Douglas VanHouten for printing the worship program.

Tess, Neal, Jillian and Shannon Setchell; Vince Ortero and Jeff Westerheide for staffing the Welcoming Table and greeting all those present. Hank Mandziara and Bob Kalicki for greeting and ushering.

Paul Swanson and Steve Gruenwald for directing traffic. Erlene Lee-Forde, Pat D’Aprix and Eason Williams for helping Bob Kalicki with the collection.

Pat Kalicki and Steve Raftery for setting in motion the wheels that made this Installation go!

To all those who presented the symbols of ministry during the liturgy: Cyndi De Bock, Jay O’Reilly, Penny Mandziara, Mindy Golden, Chuck Schroeder, Eunice Dohra, Nancy Allan, Audrey Cannon, Vernon Forde, Molly and Rose Gruenwald, Shannon Setchell, Jack Zimo, Pat Kalicki, Steve Raftery.

Our Acolytes Extraordinaire…Jessica and Paul Tamaski.

Our lectors: Jennifer Garcia and Paul Brouillette.

Our intercessor and litanist: Connie Nicholson.

Our chalice bearers: Kristin Jacobs, Val Gruenwald, Pat Kalicki, Steve Raftery.

The musicians who so ably assisted everyone in robust congregational signing: Mary Fletcher-Gomez, our organist/choirmaster; our choir; Alex Schwarz, trumpet player; all members of the assembly, who raised the roof in song!

For Jeff Lee, our beloved bishop; David Gibbons, preacher and our Dean; and our beloved Paul Brouillette for sharing their ministry.

All who came — many for the first time, and those who ‘came home, again,’ your company was so welcomed and pleasing.

The Inter-Faith ministers of Elk Grove Village and clergy of our Episcopal Diocese and their husbands, wives and partners for their shared prayers and support.

All 140 ministers of the assembly who gathered for Wednesday’s celebration of a new, shared ministry.

And lastly and certainly far from least…our gracious Lord Jesus our Most Holy Redeemer for the love, grace and hope He provides.