I Am St Nick: A Call To Share Your Story



We all understand and appreciate the gift of sharing. At St. Nicholas we do a tremendous job of offering time, talent and treasure to this community of faith and to the greater Church. We are blessed and in turn, we share our blessings.

We are inviting anyone and everyone to share a story…YOUR story. We are united but we are also very diverse and individually unique. Think for a moment of just how and why you came to St. Nicholas Church. Who or what moved you to become part of this community, a member of the Episcopal Communion. How about a story of church, an occasion that moved and perhaps changed you or some special “church person” who helped guide and develop your faith. So many of us come from other faith traditions and other churches, Episcopal or otherwise. We wish to know our sisters and brothers better. The sky is the limit as to what kind of stories are out there. The depth of our wishing to share and read these recollections is even greater!

We all love a story and there are no better stories than the ones we share with each other about ourselves, our faith, our journeys, spiritual or otherwise.

All are welcome to participate. No one is too young or too old. No such thing as a “generation gap” when it comes to stories celebrated and shared. In fact, I suspect we all have quite a few stories we could submit. This is YOUR time to do just that…SHARE. The more we have, the greater and richer our field.

Think…Pray…Write. When you have some thing to share, please submit your story (simply reply to any issue of News From Nick) and it will be posted in an upcoming edition of News From Nick.

Thank you for your consideration and willingness to share…we are all the more blessed.

Patheos: Why I Am (Still) An Episcopalian

I found this post in my “Episcopalian food for thought” feed and thought you might enjoy.

Why am I (still) an Episcopalian? Because it was there for me in my faith journey years ago, and it’s still gently leading me forward, with poetic liturgy and heart-lifting music that brings me quiet joy. And I am glad that we will be lead into the future by Bishop Michael, especially in these times.

The Right Reverend Michael Curry

I am not Episcopalian because I imagine we’re ever going to be on top of the culture again — but I am encouraged by the fact that the Episcopal Church has come out on the far side of many of the Culture War questions still dividing other Christian denominations and causing those outside the Church to consider Christians prejudiced, homophobic, paranoid, or fixated on morality at the expense of justice.


The recent election of the dynamic preacher — and our first African-American presiding bishop — Michael Curry even makes me believe we might have a major role in addressing one of the crucial questions of our time, race in America.I’m not Episcopalian because I think the Church needs me — but I am Episcopalian because a faithful community from this tradition saved me, and I know many others could tell similar stories. God spoke to me in the words, love, and actions of Episcopalians when I had no hope and the future seemed, at best, impossible. As much as I love the great gifts of common worship, love of beauty, and thoughtful exploration handed down to us from the Anglican tradition,


I am Episcopalian — still — because in the faces of other Episcopalians, I saw — and see — the Face of God.


For that, for this life I did not expect to continue living, for the joy I find now, I thank God.


And because of that, I will love and serve God through the Episcopal Church for as long as I am allowed to walk this planet.

Source: Why I Am (Still) An Episcopalian

What did you think?


Ginny Gibbs


Get Ready, Set…! St Nick’s Knack’s Rummage Sale August 14 and 15

St Nicholas Episcopal's Nick's Knacks, a Rummage Sale

The clock is ticking…our annual rummage sale is just around the corner. There’s still room on the Sign-Up sheets for more names! All are welcome to pitch in.


We will be starting things off on August 2nd, Sunday, right after the 10am Liturgy. All items in the Noah’s Ark Space, the Gathering Space and the hallway near the bathrooms will go into the Hall in their proper places. Furniture will stay in the Gathering Space. Purses, shoes, luggage and outdoor items will stay in the Noah’s Ark Space. The Hall will be marked as to what goes where. Holiday items for example, will go on the wooden cabinets near the kitchen. The tables along the west wall will be for books, electronics and entertainment, clothing will go on the tables on the north side, 3 rows of tables running north and south will hold kitchen items, glassware, general merchandise and so forth. The Parish Office will be the Boutique/Antique Room.

Pricing and organizing can take place during the two weeks prior to the sale. However, starting Aug. 10th, Monday, we will get down to the nitty-gritty of making sure everything is organized and ready to go.

Let’s make this sale even better than our previous sales. Friday, August 14, 9am – 7pm and Saturday, August 15, 9am – 3pm. 4:30 Service follows in church. Ready, set….