St. Nicholas is not a building, it’s a community that belongs to all of us. All are encouraged to participate to the fullest extent. Please visit this link on our website for a list of current ministries and contact persons. There are sign-up sheets on the bulletin boards above the drinking fountain at St. Nicholas. Please take time to sign up.
Category Archives: Lay Ministries
Today at St Nick | Support, Spirit and Singing
Noon AA
6:00 pm Wednesday Eucharist
6:45 pm Choir Practice
7:30 pm Al-Anon
There’s no Food Pantry on second Wednesdays like today, but plenty of other things are going on.
The weekday Noontime AA offers support to those struggling with addiction to alcohol.
The NEW Midweek Eucharist at 6pm. Take time out from your busy week to reflect, from the Book of Common Prayer, on “things done, and things left undone.” Let go of hurt, anger, and pain: come and be refreshed.
Choir at 645pm. Advent, the Feast of St Nicholas, and Christmas is coming! The choir is working on LOTS of special music. Current plans include a Service of Lessons and Carols for Christmas Eve, be sure to mark your calendar.
Al-Anon at 7:30pm. Get support if you are the family member or friend of someone struggling with alcohol or other addiction. Large, active group meets in Holy Innocents Hall with breakouts in the Gathering Space.
The St. Nicholas Community Outreach Team Needs Your Help
From this week’s News from Nick, an important request from the Outreach Team:
As many of you know, the St. Nicholas Community Outreach Team was recently formed, and has been working toward increasing our visibility within the community at large. Our ultimate goal is to increase membership and attendance both from without and within. We are encouraged to continue growing the energy of the congregation, involving all of you in strengthening and improving our wonderful St.Nick’s.
We hope you were as excited about the Welcome Table (our first undertaking) as we were to get it off the ground. Please wear those beautiful badges proudly. It’s a great way to get to know one another better! Even our children were anxious to wear theirs’ last weekend.
Newcomers will be wearing a handwritten badge in RED for a visit or two. Please make them welcome by showing them around, answering any questions they may have, and generally just being your cordial selves. Let them know this is their home too!
Additionally, we are asking you to keep your eyes and ears open to any venues (fairs, conferences, speaking occasions, parade opportunities, etc.) in which St. Nick’s can participate.
Occasionally, we will seek volunteers to post flyers in visible locations, inviting the public to worship with us or informing them of special events. One of the major goals you have verbalized is to increase membership. We will do all we can on our end, but we really need your support and physical help.
Thanks in advance!!!
We look forward to working with all of you.
(Contact the Outreach Team: Bob De Haven, Paul Swanson, Ginny Gibbs, Hal Stratton, and Jan Tossman)