Prayers of the People, for those we know and those we’ll never meet

I don’t normally include the list of prayers and intercessions from the News from Nick, because some of them mention full names and are rather personal. But some of this week’s prayer requests deserve wider attention. Names will be omitted, as they are quite universal in scope.

For a friend of St. Nicholas who has asked for special prayers: our friend is undergoing some rather stressful times and would warmly appreciate our spiritual intervention with prayers and support.

For … the residents of a residential group home, who have been told that their residence is to close and all must now find new facilities in which to live. Pray for.. all who will be effected by this unfortunate situation; that they all find new homes that are welcoming, safe and secure.

For the Community of St. Nicholas: for all of us as we continue to build and restore — post Annual Meeting — this beautiful and wonderful house of worship!

In thanksgiving for those who recently had surgery or were hospitalized and are now home, recuperating and doing so much better…thank you.

For victims of racism, sexism, homophobia and elitism…let us all treat one another equally and fairly.


For members of our community who are unemployed, over and under employed: that all may find peace in a chosen and desired vocation that sustains and affords a comfortable life.

For our military personnel who are overseas and engaged in battle: that they soon return home safe and secure.

For those who are suffering from the pain of depression: may their burdens be lightened and may they find healing.

For the members of the Support Groups at St. Nicholas who endure, “one day at at time,” in their daily battles against addiction.

For all our St. Nicholas community members who are under the weather and in need of healing and prayers: may they find peace and be blessed with sound and better health.

I’d also like to add my personal prayers and good wishes for all the athletes, coaches, support staff, and fans attending the Sochi Winter Olympics, that no injury, mishap or illness prevent any from achieving their dreams. And prayers that the Olympic Movement continue to be a force for peace and global amity.