Things go better with BACON: Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper February 17 at 630pm!

Our chefs even take special requests in totally not copyright-infringing cartoon shapes!

Our chefs even take special requests in totally not copyright-infringing cartoon shapes!

There’s nothing like breakfast for dinner, especially when bacon is involved!

St. Nicholas will once again host a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper.  Mark your calendar for Tuesday, February 17 at 6:30pm.  And remember guys, the men do the cooking and serving.  Volunteers are needed to help with food items, cook and clean up.  Let’s make it another memorable St. Nicholas event.

All are welcome.  Come and get it!

Prayers of the People: Church and community of St Nicholas


For our Connie N.: Pray that her upcoming hospital visits and surgery are successful and she is soon back to her healthy way of life.

For Dick D.: Pray he continues to recover from his recent surgery and experiences no setbacks.

For those who are new to the Support Group meetings at St. Nicholas: In thanksgiving they have found a place of support and recovery.

For those who are homeless and without shelter: Pray all are cared for and protected from the harshness of the elements.

For the people of upstate New York who are undergoing severe winter weather: Pray all are safe and secure.

For all our St. Nicholas community members who are under the weather and in need of healing and prayers: may they find peace and be blessed with sound and better health: Joanne M., Vernon F., Richard and Mary G., Eunice D., Dick D., Cerna R., Dale R., Tony B., Paula O., Jim L., Jackie, Chris, Cathy W., Ed B., Carrie, June, Harry and any one else in need of our continued prayers and well wishes.

*** “For Josh, Catlyn and family.”

(**written prayer requests)

This Week at St Nicholas – Calendar

As a reminder, the full master calendar is always available online at this link.  Here is the schedule for the next week:
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
AA Meeting

12:00 PM

Food Pantry

4:00 PM

Evening Prayer

6:00 PM

Choir Rehearsal

6:30 PM

Al-Anon Meeting

7:30 PM

 Thursday, April 17, 2014
AA Meeting

12:00 PM

Choir Call

6:00 PM

GA Meeting

7:00 PM

Maundy Thursday Service

7:00 PM

 Friday, April 18, 2014
AA Meeting

12:00 PM

Good Friday Service

7:00 PM

 Saturday, April 19, 2014
AA Meeting

1:00 PM

NO 4:30 Worship Service tonight (entire community will celebrate at the Easter Vigil or Easter Sunday)

4:30 PM

AA Meeting

7:00 PM

Choir Call

7:00 PM

GSR – AA Meeting

7:30 PM

The Great Vigil of Easter

8:00 PM

 Sunday, April 20, 2014
Easter Worship Service

10:00 AM

Adult Bible Study

11:30 AM

Children’s / Youth Formation

11:30 AM

AA Meeting

7:30 PM

 Monday, April 21, 2014
AA Meeting

12:00 PM

AA Meeting

7:00 PM

 Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Vicar’s Day Off
AA Meeting

12:00 PM

AA Meeting

7:00 PM

 Wednesday, April 23, 2014
AA Meeting

12:00 PM

Evening Prayer

6:00 PM

Al-Anon Meeting

7:30 PM