On Friday, December 16th, at 7:30pm, we will once again roll out the big TV, pop some corn, munch on some pizza and snacks and sip some pop, all while comfortably watching a favorite holiday movie. This time, we’ll feature the black and white classic, “The Bishop’s Wife,” starring Cary Grant, Loretta Young, David Niven and Elsa Lanchester. Bring your own goodies along to savor and share. There is a sign up sheet in the gathering space at church, just to get an idea how many wish to come. Bring the family and friends…we have plenty of room for all!
Category Archives: Reaching Out
Caroling Party Dec 17 Alexian Bros. Rehab (Singing Made Easy For Shy Persons)
On December 17th, we will venture to the Rehabilitation Center of Alexian Brothers Hospital and sing carols and holiday songs to the patients. All are welcome. We will meet at the Rehabilitation Center, which is located across the street from the hospital on Biesterfield Road at around 12 noon. See article below for additional information.
Make a Joyful Noise!
Please join us in a St. Nicholas Caroling Event on Saturday, December 17th. We will be raising our voices in song and praise, as we help make this holiday season a little brighter for patients of Alexian Brothers Rehabilitation Hospital. Let’s demonstrate to the community that St. Nicholas is alive and well within our hearts, as we show kindness and service to others.
You do not have to have a fantastic singing voice to join in on the fun. I certainly do not! These will be simple, familiar carols. Keep in mind, we will not be judged by the quality of our voices, but by our joyful presence and gifts of love and compassion.
Below are all the details. Please call to let me know if you will be joining us for caroling.
We look forward to Making a Joyful Noise with our brothers and sisters of St. Nicks!
Who: All St. Nicholas members are welcome. If you don’t want to sing – come and spend time visiting with patients. Bring family members or friends. The more the merrier! And please wear something festive!
What: Caroling first in the dining area and then down the halls and into some of the patients’ rooms to sing and visit. Hal Stratton will be leading us.
Where: Alexian Brothers Rehabilitation Hospital 955 Beisner Road, Elk Grove Village 847-981-5929 (Directly across from the hospital.)
When: December 17th. at 12:00 Someone will be at the door to direct you.
Rehearsal: For all those who will be caroling – There will be one rehearsal tentatively scheduled for Friday, Dec. 16th at 7:00 at St. Nick’s. I will contact all who are participating beforehand to confirm. This will just be to familiarize ourselves with the selections and hear how we sound together. I encourage you to attend this rehearsal, but if it’s not possible, we still want you to participate.
-Jan Tossman and The Community Outreach Team — Ginny Gibbs, Paul Swanson, Bob DeHaven, Hal Stratton
847-259-2679 silkpalette@gmail.com
Advent Luminarias

Advent luminarias surround the outdoor altar in front of St Nicholas before a recent evening service.
Weather permitting, we will “light the way” before Wednesday and Saturday evening Eucharist services, and before Christmas Eve services.
Stop by and see them, softly glowing, to light the way for the Christ Child.
Advent Luminarias, a photo by St Nicholas Episcopal on Flickr.
tags: StNickEpiscopal Episcopal Church