We all understand and appreciate the gift of sharing. At St. Nicholas we do a tremendous job of offering time, talent and treasure to this community of faith and to the greater Church. We are blessed and in turn, we share our blessings.
We are inviting anyone and everyone to share a story…YOUR story. We are united but we are also very diverse and individually unique. Think for a moment of just how and why you came to St. Nicholas Church. Who or what moved you to become part of this community, a member of the Episcopal Communion. How about a story of church, an occasion that moved and perhaps changed you or some special “church person” who helped guide and develop your faith. So many of us come from other faith traditions and other churches, Episcopal or otherwise. We wish to know our sisters and brothers better. The sky is the limit as to what kind of stories are out there. The depth of our wishing to share and read these recollections is even greater!
We all love a story and there are no better stories than the ones we share with each other about ourselves, our faith, our journeys, spiritual or otherwise.
All are welcome to participate. No one is too young or too old. No such thing as a “generation gap” when it comes to stories celebrated and shared. In fact, I suspect we all have quite a few stories we could submit. This is YOUR time to do just that…SHARE. The more we have, the greater and richer our field.
Think…Pray…Write. When you have some thing to share, please submit your story (simply reply to any issue of News From Nick) and it will be posted in an upcoming edition of News From Nick.
Thank you for your consideration and willingness to share…we are all the more blessed.