

Who is waiting/hoping for an invitation:

Who doesn’t know about faith communities?

Who doesn’t know about God?

Many institutions are not seen as trustworthy
Experience of rejection

Who doesn’t trust organized religion or see it as having anything to offer? Does it have anything to offer?




What are elements of our mission?

–welcoming all people
–understanding God is loving/kind/compassionate/forgiving
–Responsibility, Renewal, Relationship… an exchange between God, self, and community
–Rewarding Experiences – when you let God into your life, you have them
–Passion, Excitement
–Crossing Barriers: Interfaith/Intergenerational dialog
–Openness, Service: inviting ALL… serving others and each other
–Need to Rededicate, Reconcile, Rejuvenate…our church, our community, ourselves.
–Remembering why we come to church.


Schaumburg Food Pantry

In the coming weeks we will be increasing our support for the Schaumburg Township Food Pantry for the holidays.

We have also discovered that there is a need to be filled; yes, even as small as we are, there is something we CAN do as a parish to help people, and to fight hunger in our community.

Those of us on your Bishop’s Committee are very excited about this and other opportunities to reach out to people who need our help. Be sure to attend services this Commitment Sunday (1030am at Holy Innocents) to find out more.