Crossing The Thames

That’s the informal slang for those who are changing their church affiliation from Roman Catholic to attending an Anglican/Episcopal church. Those headed in the opposite direction are said to be “crossing the Rubicon,” which refers to a famous boundary river in the ancient Roman empire.

It’s not surprising that Episcopal churches benefit from departing Catholics. Articles on departing Catholics in NCR and Commonweal interview Episcopal priests from different parts of the country who estimate that upwards of 50% or more of their new members are ex-RC. That certainly matches with our informal observation at St Paul’s Cathedral, where lots of the congregants are ex-Roman. We’ve even met a couple of former priests.

Via The Friends of Jake: Churches attack gays, and the Roman Catholic exodus

As Father Steve is fond of reminding us, all three of the priests at St Nicholas were originally ordained in the Roman Catholic Church and left for the Episcopal church, each for compelling personal reasons. And all three attended the same Catholic seminary, too. About half of our members originally started out as Catholics, which pegs us as a fairly average sample.

Why Change Faiths, Or Lose It Entirely?

Has your faith changed? Do you even have it anymore? Do you still feel some attraction toward spirituality, but don’t believe what you thought you believed when you were younger? Changes in faith can be difficult to talk about, but they’re clearly not uncommon.

People change, and they often have questions whose answers change as they grow through life from beginning to middle to end. Some people lose any belief in God they may have had, and in our pluralistic society, this is not to be condemned; but those of us who are believers should question why some people feel they’ve been hurt or not served well by “the institutional church.”

As we heard in Father Manny’s sermon today, if we are invited to a banquet, we should sit at the lowest place so that we might be invited by the host to a place of greater honor.. and if we give a banquet, we should offer it to the poor, the friendless, the sick, the crippled, and “the least of these” in society. We’re called to invite all, welcome all, honor all… and not be downcast if the invitation is not accepted and the welcome refused, or the honor rejected.

We simply continue to invite, welcome, honor… and offer community and fellowship to all.

The recent story of author Anne Rice’s public journey away from organized religion while remaining a believer in Christ and His ministry to the poor, the sick, and the friendless has been all over the Internet – but Barna Research shows that Anne Rice is one among many Americans who on a similar spiritual path.

The Barna Group – Do Americans Change Faiths?

When author Anne Rice recently “quit Christianity” on her Facebook page, she lit up the blogosphere and sparked interest among media. Though the novelist announced that this time she was quitting “in the name of Christ,” her previous journey away from – and back to – the Christian faith had been well chronicled.

Just how common is this type of experience for Americans? How many Americans change faiths? A multi-year study conducted by the Barna Group explores the percentage of Americans who report shifting to a different faith or significantly changing their faith views during their life.

Changing Faith
Anne Rice is not alone. She shares a spiritual profile with nearly 60 million other adults nationwide. In the Barna study, the matter of faith switching was explored in several ways. First, respondents identified their childhood faith, if any, and then were asked to list their current faith allegiance. A comparison of the two answers showed that nearly one-quarter of adults (23%) had moved from one faith or faith tradition to another. This definition of faith change included those who switched from Catholic to Protestant and vice versa, but did not include those who changed from one Protestant denomination to another within the Protestant tradition. Overall, an additional 12% of adults had shifted affiliations but had not altered their Protestant orientation.

Must Be Present (At 10 AM Sunday) To Win

One Bread, One Body: News From St Nicholas July 4-10

Naaman Washing Clean

Naaman Washing Clean

But his servants approached and said to him,
“Father, if the prophet
had commanded you to do something difficult,
would you not have done it?
How much more,
when all he said t you was,
`Wash, and be clean’?”
So he went down and immersed himself
seven times in the Jordan,
according to the word of the man of God;
his flesh was restored like the flesh
of a young boy, and he was clean.
— from the Second Book of Kings

10 a.m. worship, drawing this Sunday

We begin our summer schedule this Sunday, July 4, with worship at 10 a.m. through the Labor Day weekend.
Also, those who participated in our worship survey — either on paper forms, or electronically — will have a chance to win a $25 gift certificate in a drawing that will be held that day. The only catch is that you must be present to win.

So, come, enjoy some special music — Paul Brouillette will be bringing his guitar — and a great Independence Day!

Bishop’s Committee report

Extended meeting held 27 June 2010
Present: Val Gruenwald, Pat Kalicki, Steve Raftery, Mary Anne O’Rourke, Paul Swanson, Jessica Tamaski, Manny Borg, Steve Martz
Not present: Bill Barlow, Karen Martin

The meeting focused on planning for the 2010-2011 program year. No official actions were taken. Here is a report on the areas discussed:

Opening week-end(s).

Our next Rummage Sale will be Saturday, September 11, with Sunday, September 12 as the “unofficial” opening of our program year.

The “Grand Opening” of the year will be the following weekend as we hold our first Saturday liturgy. Our primary means of publicity for that liturgy will be doorhangers that we will distribute over three weekends in August and September. The doorhangers will invite our neighbors to come and see St. Nicholas.

More evangelism

We also will be doing doorhangers again in November as we invite neighbors to join us for a celebration of the Feast of Nicholas. We will hold a community dinner as part of that celebration. Our intent is to take full advantage of our patron, St. Nicholas, considered by many to be the world’s most popular saint, and we will make this an annual event. The dinner and St. Nicholas celebration will be held on Saturday after worship. In 2011, we will inaugurate another annual evangelism event that will be focused on Sunday.

Having Fun

We agreed that one of the major strengths of our community is the genuine affection we have for one another. Unlike many parishes, we do not focus much on hot-button issues or differences. We want to build on, and celebrate, this strength. Denise Butera and Anna Stefaniak are working with Steve Martz to plan some social events, including a movie night in August. We also discussed a chili dinner this winter, which we may tie to the Super Bowl. Also discussed were International Dinners — think of it as a potluck on steroids — where we invite people to bring dishes they especially enjoy cooking, and that reflect their ethnic heritage.

Adult formation

The approach during 2010-11 will involve three elements. First, the contemporary issues/reading group that Steve Gruenwald leads will continue.

Second, we will have Fall and early Spring Saturday/ Sunday adult education series before or after the liturgies. One series will focus on biblical subjects, including Major Figures of the Hebrew Scriptures, as well as infancy and passion narratives. The other will center on spirituality subjects.

Finally, we will inaugurate Fall and Spring midweek series with outside presenters. As we do not usually draw well during midweek, we will also be inviting neighboring churches from the Elgin Deanery of our Diocese, and from other denominations in Elk Grove Village. The Fall series, on “Courage,” will be led by Jeffrey Ediger, an independent scholar and former college professor who has taught this and other courses at the Church of the Atonement, where he is a member.

Children’s formation

We had an extended discussion of formation, and agreed the Val, Jessica, and Pat will head a team that will recommend an approach — or approaches — that will more effectively meet the needs of our children and their families. The sentiment was for an integrated program that involves the children in the liturgy, service, and learning.


We agreed that our LGBT outreach needs reinvigoration. Steve Martz will work with LGBT members to develop a mix of social, movie, and discussion events during the coming year.

Sunday liturgy

We reviewed the survey results that have been received so far. We were heartened that the majority of those responding will continue to worship on Sunday. (Heartened because the point of the Saturday liturgy is to attract new people to St. Nicholas.) At the same time, we noted that it appears the Saturday liturgy will draw enough of our Sunday participants to make it difficult to continue two Sunday liturgies. We agreed unanimously that, if the numbers continue in the final stage of the survey to be what they are to date, it would make most sense to hold one liturgy on Sunday.


by Father Steve Martz

I’m going to be taking the next couple of weeks off, returning to work on the evening of the 10th when Carla and I host a party for the choir and our music director to thank them all for a wonderful year of music, and for everything they do to make St. Nicholas such a special place. And they do quite a lot — as I was reminded again this past Sunday as I listed to Tim Black and Mary Fletcher-Gomez sing a wonderful anthem.

It’s going to be a lay-low vacation for me, as I read, rest, exercise, and do a few things around the house. If anything comes up during this time that requires a priest, please contact Manny.

See you soon,

— Steve

PS, as always, Let me know what you think… about whatever is on your mind (and I’ll respond after the 10th).