Our chefs even take special requests in totally not copyright-infringing cartoon shapes!
In a surprise Winter Olympics twist, the pancakes to be cooked and served by the guys of St. Nicholas at the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on March 4, 2014 are up for Gold Medal contention. This new event, Winter Church Cakes, will pit the recipes of Shrove Tuesday challengers against one another and promises to be a real show-stopper.
An unnamed source has listed St. Nicholas’ pancakes among the early top contenders among the judges, and has been overheard to say, “Anyone who doesn’t partake in the consuming of these amazing griddle creations *for free* on Shrove Tuesday in Elk Grove Village might well find themselves later suffering from symptoms of deep, after-the-fact regret upon hearing them raved about around the water cooler for weeks to come.”
Disclaimer: the preceding has been a complete figment of the writer’s imagination. We do hope to see you at 6:30PM on Tuesday, March 4, 2014. Did we mention there will be bacon?