God Watching Over Us (and a baby robin)

The morning greeted me with a heavy rain pelting against the windshield.  Wipers were on full and for a good reason.  I was on Rt. 31 in Algonquin headed to a house that needed to be prepared for an estate sale.  It was my job that day, along with another staff member to go in, arrange the entire home, set up the tables and start arranging the items that would be sold at a 3-day sale later this month.   My GPS informed me I was still a few miles from my final destination.  I continued the drive north and the rain continued its melodious pitter-patter. 
The rain was incredible; a heavy, spring shower that would certainly saturate the ground and help those early planted bulbs and seeds to grow quickly.  As I rounded a curve, I noticed something ‘crawling’ in the median of the road, though I wasn’t sure what it was.  I stopped my car, pulled into the median, turned on my emergency flashers and walked over to that crawling object.  It was a baby robin that apparently had been stunned somewhat and was having some issues with one of its wings.   Perhaps it flew into an oncoming car or maybe it fell from its nest.  The poor thing was soaking wet, shivering and was lost. 
There is a history between lost and injured birds and me.  Over the years, I have found, taken in and nursed many of our winged friends that have suffered injuries or simply were too young to be on their own and were somehow abandoned.  I have no aspirations of being another St. Francis of Assisi; it’s just that I love animals and my heart aches for any creature that is injured or suffering. 
I picked up the robin, cupping it in my hands, trying to protect it and shield it from the heavy rain that obviously hindered its recovery.  I walked, quickly, to the side of the road and into the woods that ran along the west side of this 4 lane highway.  Stroking the bird’s neck and orange-speckled tummy, I wanted the bird to start making some noise.  My hope was if the bird would make enough noise, its Momma would hear and come to its aid.  Finally, after a few minutes of gently stroking and some verbal encouragement from me, the baby began to “cry out,” beckoning for its Momma to come and save it.  And right above me, on a low-hanging branch lands a large female robin, crying out quite loudly.  The baby recognized its mother’s call and it began to cry out even louder.   The baby was nibbling on my finger…the poor thing was hungry.  Running back to my car, I pulled out my sandwich that was to be my lunch, pulled a piece from the middle, wetted it with the rain and fed it to the baby.  It ate all that I gave it, all the while the Momma above me singing loudly and consistently.  After the baby finished its breakfast, I carefully pulled away the brambles and sticks at the base of the tree where the Momma had perched, smoothed the high grass and laid the robin in a little ‘ground nest,’ which I then surrounded with some twigs in order to protect it.  It was terribly hard for me to leave the baby robin, but I knew it was best and the Momma would take care of it. 
By this time, I was soaked to the skin…but this action was well worth the soaking.  Back in my car, I looked out at the Momma robin which by now had flown down to her baby and was taking care of her little one.  I smiled, fought back a few tears (go ahead and say it, I’m a softie) and ventured onward to the house that was awaiting my arrival. 
With no disrespect whatsoever and with full humility and gratitude do I say; God may very well be compared with that Momma robin…watching over us, His children and coming to our aid when we need Him most.    God can see all and God knows all.  Certainly, when we are in need, God will see to it that we are cared for, comforted and most importantly, loved unconditionally and eternally.  God saw to the need of humanity and sent us His Son, Jesus the Redeemer.  With Jesus ever with us, well, we are truly blessed and bestowed a gift heaven-sent.  And as God shares Jesus with us, let’s make a point of sharing with others what Jesus gives us, especially with those who are in need, those who are lonely and destitute, to the lost and alienated.  It is our commissioned responsibility to be “Jesus” for those who are in need.  Let’s care for one another, shall we, and bring the Good News to one and all.