The clock is ticking…our annual rummage sale is just around the corner. There’s still room on the Sign-Up sheets for more names! All are welcome to pitch in.

We will be starting things off on August 2nd, Sunday, right after the 10am Liturgy. All items in the Noah’s Ark Space, the Gathering Space and the hallway near the bathrooms will go into the Hall in their proper places. Furniture will stay in the Gathering Space. Purses, shoes, luggage and outdoor items will stay in the Noah’s Ark Space. The Hall will be marked as to what goes where. Holiday items for example, will go on the wooden cabinets near the kitchen. The tables along the west wall will be for books, electronics and entertainment, clothing will go on the tables on the north side, 3 rows of tables running north and south will hold kitchen items, glassware, general merchandise and so forth. The Parish Office will be the Boutique/Antique Room.
Pricing and organizing can take place during the two weeks prior to the sale. However, starting Aug. 10th, Monday, we will get down to the nitty-gritty of making sure everything is organized and ready to go.
Let’s make this sale even better than our previous sales. Friday, August 14, 9am – 7pm and Saturday, August 15, 9am – 3pm. 4:30 Service follows in church. Ready, set….