We have talked about the worship space boiler problems for some time. Consequently, we are sadly aware of the significant issues we are facing.
To address this issue, we are in the process of getting bids on what a new boiler would cost. But even as we do so, we are aware that some action must be taken sooner rather then later. Cleaning of existing fins and coils must be done as well as making sure sources of cold air seeping into the building are sealed and secured. We will worship in the Hall the next few weekends while we patiently endure these “polar vortex” weather patterns.
Also, two members of the community have pledged to cut a check for $500.00 as a “challenge match” to additional donations that come in. We will keep the community abreast of the amount of financial donations that do come in.
If you would like to contribute toward the Boiler Fund, please write Boiler Fund on your check and mail to St. Nicholas (1072 Ridge Avenue, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007) or place it in the collection plate on Sunday.
We are grateful for the support of the community as we make sure we are good stewards of our buildings. Every donation counts. We can do it!
God bless us one and all and Thank You for your continued care and generosity.