Douglas van Houten was having some fun with this:

And then the webmistress, Ginny Gibbs, got into the act:

Perhaps this:

What would YOU say about St Nick’s (within reason)?
Christmas Traditions Video Project Beginning November 4: Kids Of All Ages Can Appear

In a little over a month, Advent begins and we will celebrate the Feast of St Nicholas. Soon after that, it’s Christmas!
The next two months are the most wonderful time of the year at St Nicholas Episcopal Church – there’s so much going on. Right now you have the opportunity to help spread the word about Christmas and St Nicholas.
You (and any family members) are invited to share your Christmas traditions with everyone in the St Nicholas Community in a video interview to be posted on the church website and online.
Beginning after church on November 4, anyone interested in this project should see Carol Payne after the 10am service to record a short interview.
No special skill is necessary! All you have to do is answer 2 easy questions:
- What are your Christmas traditions?
- What would you like for Christmas?
Anyone and everyone can be involved. The video will be posted on the church video page and online during Advent.
Silent Auction – Thank You
In the process of closing St. Bede’s, there was a “silent auction” of sorts. Donations were accepted for items not brought over to St. Nick’s, or that were otherwise donated. $196 was collected and put in St. Nick’s offertory on July 14th. Thank you to all who contributed – those still wishing to give a donation for items they picked up can give their donations directly to St. Nick’s. Thank you!