On Friday night, September 6, the Order of St. Luke the Physician gathered in Holy Innocents Hall of St. Nicholas Church. All were welcome to come, share and join in the conversation.
The topic for the evening’s gathering was “The Healing Miracles of Jesus.” In October and early November the Order will be gathering at St. Nicholas, for three consecutive Saturdays. More details will be posted in an upcoming News From Nick edition.
Previously, we had offered congratulations and many blessings to the new members of the Order of St. Luke the Physician who were “invested” and “received” into the Order in mid August.

Shown are:
Thelma and Ray Malecek
Penny and Hank Mandziara
Jennifer Brundige, who was received several months ago
Kent Farbelow, a member of a Lutheran community in Crystal Lake, Illinois
May your ministry flourish and the blessings you share come back to you ten-fold.
God bless. We are all so very proud of you.