Come one, come all. In August, we will have three scheduled, community gatherings. On August 3rd, Friday night, 6:30pm, we will have another Movie Night. This month’s feature film will be the 1966 hit, “The Trouble With Angels,” starring Rosalind Russell. Bring along some pop and munchies; your favorite sandwiches and pizza will be provided. The movie is rated “G” for General Audience and is certainly a fun family feature.
On August 17 and 18, a Friday and Saturday, we will hold our annual St. Nicholas Rummage Sale. We will definitely need “all hands on deck” for this event. Start gathering your unwanted items to bring in. Ideally, we ask donations to be brought in starting around August 1st. Holy Innocents Hall will be the site for the sale, which also spills out into the Gathering Space and into the office area. We will start setting up the Hall on Monday,
August 13th. Plan ahead to see if you have any time to help set up, assist at the sale and to help clear things out on Saturday afternoon. 4:30 Liturgy follows immediately after.
On August 31st, Friday night, 6:30pm, we will have a Crafts and Games Night. Bring your favorite craft to work on and perhaps teach others. Bring your domino set to play “train.” Depending if we have enough material, we can make more Prayer Blankets. Or, just bring along some munchies to share as we play, chit-chat and enjoy the company of one another. Coffee and cookies will be available, and if you’d like bring along some pizza, that’s fine, too.
Sign-up sheets will be posted to get an idea of how many to expect for the social gatherings and a volunteer sheet will be posted for the rummage sale. Remember, all are welcome.